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22 October 2010

Bisbee's Black and Blue Marlin Tournament

If you haven't had an opportunity to go hang out at the Bisbee's tournament, you're missing quite a show. Very appropriately, the 30th annual Bisbee's Black and Blue Marlin Tournament has been a record breaker and broken new ground with some neat technology. The boats can be tracked by GPS from your computer. You can also see live video from on-board several boats. Today (Friday, 22 Aug) is the last day.

The Cabo Riviera sales booth is located directly in front of the weigh station. We witnessed some "reel" fish drama throughout the afternoon and well into the evening.  Tuesday, day 1,  was amazing.  The fish just kept getting bigger.  300 pounders up to 400 pounders and then 500 pounders.  Finally a nice 599 pound fish was weighed and looked like it just might be the winner. However, Wayne Bisbee announced that "The Great Escape" was still hooked up and had been fighting a large marlin for a few hours. The crowd refused to leave until the boat came in, hoping it would make the cutoff time of 9PM.  You can still weigh a fish but it WILL NOT COUNT after 9.  As the clocked crept towards the cutoff, Wayne gave us updates on the status of the fish. Finally at 5 minutes after 9, they made it to the dock.  As the huge marlin was wheeled towards the scale, a low murmur from the crowd turned into cheering. The fish was slowly pulled up and the scale kept climbing.  It bounced quickly past 300, 400, 500 and finally landed on 800 pounds! Although it would not be counted, the crowd of several hundred people showed their appreciation and gave the crew of "The Great Escape" a huge ovation.

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