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16 August 2010

Retire in Mexico???

Many of you that read my blog are very comfortable with Baja California Sur and other parts of Mexico. For those of you who might not be so comfortable but have genuine interest in living here, read these articles that go deeper than the headlines. You'll be surprised at the level of safety in most parts of Mexico and the value of investing here. Click on the text to read the whole article

This is from Aol:
Drug-related violence in cities south of the United States-Mexico border has caused the U.S. State Department to issue a travel warning for Mexico  but did you know most of Mexico is as safe as ever?

This comes from the Seattle Times:
How safe is travel in Mexico? It all depends on your destination

The next article is from the International Property Journal:
Despite the constant headlines about drug-related violence, Mexico remains the preferred destination for U.S. second home buyers

My final offering is from the AARP in their "Best places to live abroad" column:
First-class urban amenities and charming palm-fringed villages draw retirees

Cabo Riviera is building a village on the Sea of Cortez.  It will be spectacular.
Come and see for yourself.