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17 October 2009

Baby Sea Turtles (cont.)

Thanks to my friend Steve Chism, amateur geologist, local naturalist, author and puppy lover, I have photos of the recent baby sea turtle release in front of the Palmas de Cortez hotel in Los Barriles. (Steve is also an official, Mexican certified turtle research assistant) He participated in the release in which a few hundred newly hatched baby sea turtles were released into the Sea of Cortez. An event like this serves the dual purpose of ensuring that a known number of sea turtles survive from the nest to the water and to raise public awareness of sea turtle nesting habits and how we can help ensure their survival. The greatest danger in the life-cycle of sea turtles is from the point the eggs are laid to re-entry into the ocean. On the shore, the mother sea turtles are exposed to predatory animals and poachers as they go through the ritual of depositing their eggs. The eggs are in danger of being eaten by a large number of predators from crabs to foxes and the nests being compressed by motor vehicles. Then during the hatch and return to the sea, the baby sea turtles are exposed to an even larger group of predators when you add birds and shore fish to the list.

If you are in the los Cabos area, ask around and see if you can find out where a baby sea turtle release will take place. It will be well worth your time to attend. Take your kids or borrow some; they'll love it.

06 October 2009

Baby Sea Turtles

It's turtle nesting season again and here at Cabo Riviera, we have upwards of 50 nests on our beaches. The folks from the baby sea turtles local protection office have been out and done their research work and marked the nests. They have an estimate for each nest when the eggs will hatch (45 days gestation)and they will try to be present for the big event. The baby sea turtles that they assist to the ocean have a much higher chance of survival because of the rate of attrition between the nest and the water. It's high because of the multitude of natural predators searching the beach for food: Coyotes, birds and crabs to name a few. They love turtles. Maybe they taste like chicken........

Assisting the turtles to the ocean has turned into an event that people attend and take their kids to. I'm no cactus hugger but anybody that doesn't like little baby sea turtles, well, I guess they just don't. At any rate, it's a fun thing to do, very low budget and educational.

The sticks marking the nests are also effective to keep people and vehicle traffic from going over the nests. When the sand gets packed down, it's much harder for the baby sea turtles dig their way out. Motorized vehicles are outlawed on the beach but the the law is only partially enforced. The good thing is that most of the locals understand about the baby sea turtles and give the nests a wide berth.

I'll try and get some photos to share here on the blog.

Remember, you can own a home right here on the beach and watch the sea turtles from your porch.

Call me.