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10 September 2009

We're Moving Dirt Here

Things are moving along here at Cabo Riviera. The main push right now is the marina excavation. We are using the dredge for the deep work and we have trucks taking out overburden. If you've ever worked around heavy equipment, you can sympathize with the backhoe operator. We're running enough trucks that he is literally working all the time.

03 September 2009

We survived Jimena!

Along with all of Los Cabos, we dodged a major storm "Gracias a Dios" as my Mexican friends say. It goes without saying that we would be in a bad way if she had hit the Los Cabos area directly. The rain that fell was well needed.

Not much to report at the site. The dredge is dredgeing, the trucks are moving rock to the levies and the sales staff is selling. We had no ill affects from the rain so the work can continue as normal.

I'll post more pictures soon.